Sunday, April 05, 2009

Third Edition of MLA Style Takes Effect

Last summer, The Modern Language Association released it 3rd edition of the MLA style guide. It takes affect this month (April 2009). There are two major changes with regard to citations.
  1. Web URL are no longer included in standard Citations. I have programmed them out of Citation Machine. If there is a reason to include them in your MLA submission, simply add the URL, enclosed with angle brackets , at the end of the citation and close with a period.
  2. Title are no longer underlined in the citations. Instead, they are italicized. This change, also, is included in Citation Machine.


Ma del Rosario Rameño Ramos said...

La información que presentan es de mucha utilidad y de gran interés para miles de personas que seguramente visitan su sitio, sin embargo la traducción resulta confusa. Hay personas que se dedican a la traducción y que podrían hacer las correcciones pertinentes a los textos traducidos que de seguro hacen programas traductores. A un buen traductor no le es difícil hacerlo.

Developer said...

Thanks so much for your suggestion. I am afraid, at this point, that I can not pay for this service. Google Ads, right now, are paying for my son's college. Get him out, and we'll see! ;-)

Mrs. Hand said...

Thanks so much for your site. Our students love it!
I'm wondering if you'll make any other changes per the new MLA guidelines. Purdue makes this claim: Book
Book citations remain largely the same except for the addition of the medium of publication, Print, at the end of the entry.

Carré, John le. The Tailor of Panama. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996. Print.

Having just checked your site, I see that you're not including "Print." as a part of your citation. Will you be doing that? Thanks for your help. My info comes from

Unknown said...

"Last summer, The Modern Language Association released it 3rd edition of the MLA style guide. It takes affect this month (April 2009). There are two major changes with regard to citations."

Hi, Is there any way you can resort back to the old version until the end of the semester? It is confusing our students after we have taught them the old version and now they see a completely different citation from your tool. We love your tool, BTW, but right now it is causing much confusion.


shelly28 said...


I'm not sure if it is the school's computers or the site, but for the past two weeks citation machine has not worked and only the author's last name is viewable.

s. Broesder

shelly28 said...


On a far fetched side note, my third grade teacher was a woman with the last name of Warlick, who became Warlick-Charles. She taught in North West Elementary which is located in Arcadia (the Winston-Salem/Lexington area) NC. She was one of the kindest teachers I've ever had and a few years ago it was rumored that her health had taken a turn for the worse. If you are family you have my condolences.

shelly Broesder

ESOL Lecturer said...


In the MLA Book - 1 or more authors, the drop-down field where you choose the media the book is in gives you "Print" "Ditial" and "Audio".

I believe this should be "Digital"...

My students have used your cite to great success. Thank you for this.

DarBarth said...

What happened to the 3.0 MLA update that was available last week? It is no longer there (not italics vs. underlining)and students can't chose more than one author.

Unknown said...

I was going to point out that in MLA style for books, the format 'digital' is misspelled. Just a heads up. Thanks for your hard work.

Developer said...

Thanks for the heads up on the spelling of Digital. Fixed!

Developer said...

MLA is still in 3rd edition. It should continue to use italics rather than underlining. I did add the URL back in, making it optional.

However, you are right about the ability to chose more than one author. Somehow, in my work the other day, it broke the multiple authors feature.

I'll fix that...

Dave Tennant said...

Isn't the MLA style guide in its seventh edition in 2009?

Darkpuma said...

Well i am always using citation machine and i want everyone to visit my blog at:
Well thats all for now!

Unknown said...

I just noticed that for the APA style, there is no place to enter the issue number for a journal entry. Is it possible to fix this? I have been recommending this tool for students and do not want them to lose points on their assignments for this error. Thanks!

Developer said...

I've fixed that now. It is a bit complicated as to when you would use issue, so I added a note trying to explain it briefly.

Thanks for letting me know!

Kristin said...

I noticed that CM is not indenting all except the first line of each citation on the References page. Is there a change in APA format that I am unaware of? Please advise.

Developer said...

Even though the hanging indents prescribed by APA can be accomplished on a web page, using CSS layout, that layout can not be copied and pasted into most word processors. This is why I include two versions of a citation, the copyable one and then the layout model beneath.

jhackworthnc said...

is there any place that has a nlm citation machine or have you considered adding nlm on this page?

Ps - this citation machine is amazing! Thanks so much!

jbmreader said...

Thank you so much for this tool! My students thank you--- not only are we using it to demonstrate citations but also blogs as well.

D. Warlick you are the greatest. Really-- Thankyou.

jbmreader said...

The Students of Sykesville Middle School thank you for providing Citation Machine!

Ms Levine said...

Hello David,

Thanks for all of your great work. I have been using your Citation Machine program for many years to teach a college research skills course. I was a little red in the face when the plus sign on the link

"MLA • Work from a Subscription Service Accessed through a Library - one or more authors"

did not allow me to select multiple authors in a class leeson! I just read this blog and I can see that someone else mentioned this at some point and so I know now that it was inadvertently broken...I noticed that it does work for online journal articles though so I thought I would ask about library databse link that I am using in my class so that I can find out when you might have a chance to patch it up :)

Thank you so much again for all that you do!

Ms Levine said...

Hi David

I forgot to mention in my last post this question....should there be a volume/issue number field in the link "MLA • "Work from a Subscription Service Accessed through a Library"

Thanks again,
Sue :)

Ms Levine said...


Thanks for adding back the multiple authors on the library database (MLA) section and also the volume number field.

You rock!!!
Sue Levine
Atlanta GA